
时间:2024-02-08 15:32:23



  第一章 对话部分解题技巧


  4:15 fifteen past four / fifteen after four / four fifteen

  3:45 a quarter to four / three forty-five

  1986年 nineteen fifties

  20世纪50年代 nineteen fifties

  4月1日 April first

  1,24567 one million,two hundred and thirty-four thousand, five hundred and sixty-seven

  提问方式: What time is it now ?

  What time did the man do...?

  How much / many / do...?

  How much does...cost ?

  二、关系 / 职业题

  Doctor and patient 医生和护士 boss and secretary 老板和秘书

  Student and professor 学生和教授 shop-assistant and customer 店员和顾客 Wife and husband 妻子和丈夫 interviewer and interviewee面试者和被面试者 Passenger and driver 乘客和司机 waiter / waitress and customer 服务员和顾客 提问方式:What's the probable relationship between the two speaker ?

  What's the probable relationship between the man and the woman ?


  Doctor 医生 professor 教授 cashier 出纳员 surgeon 外科医生

  Manager 经理 physician 内科医生 lecturer 讲师 waitress 女服务员 Receptionist 接待员 operator 接线员 salesman 销售员 librarian 图书馆员 Cook 厨师 lawyer 律师 employer 雇员 employee 雇员 policeman 警察 Dentist 牙医 tailor 裁缝 electrician 电工 engineer 工程师

  提问方式;What's the man's / woman's job ?

  Who is the man / woman probably speaking to ?

  What's the man's / woman's profession ?


  在宾馆 check-in check-out reservation 预约,预定 room number key single / double room 单人 / 双人房

  在银行 cash 现金 check 核对无误 deposit 存款 open an account 开一 个户头 saving 存款 cashier 收银员

  ATM interest 利息 teller 出纳员

  在餐馆 menu order waiter / waitress table dish pay the bill 付账

  dessert welldone 全熟 rare 半熟 medium 半生熟 sandwich pizza beef

  Park butter steak 牛排 chicken salad

  在学校 campus course quiz 考查,课堂测验 term paper dorm grade lecture 演讲 Professor tutor 辅导

  在图书馆 borrow return renew 续借 catalog 目录、登记 author title

  Render's card shelves 架子 book

  在邮局 air mail 空邮 letter stamp envelop 信封 zip code 邮政编码 package telegraph 电报 EMS

  在医院 flu 流感 temperature emergency room 急诊室 first-aid 急救 pills 药丸 cough 咳嗽

  Headache injection 注射 stomachache toothache visiting hour

  Heart attack 心脏病发作 cancer

  提问方式 Where does this conversation take place ?

  Where are the two speakers ?



  熟悉表达因果关系的词,如:because since due to as a result that's why cause lead to 等

  提问方式 Why ? What ?



  剧中的转折,如:I'd love to ,but....?‘but’后的内容是考点,并且掌握各种肯定和否定的表达方法,如:I can't agree with you more ?实际上是表示非常赞同。 提问方式 What did the man / woman think of ....?

  How did the man / woman feel about .... ?

  What does the man's / woman's attitude to ... ?

  What does the man / woman say about ... ?

  What does the man's / woman's opinion of ... ?

  What does the man / woman mean ?

  How does the man / woman feel about .... ?

  What does the man / woman advice ... to do ... ?

  What can we learn from this conversation ?


  需掌握口语中常用词组,还需熟练掌握虚拟、倒装、否定、被动的.表达方式,如:If only hardly rather than except for ...

  提问方式 What does the man / woman mean ?

  What does the man / woman imply ?

  What do we lean from the conversation ?

  What can we conclude from ... ?




  表示顺序的词:first second third then next after before finally and so on 表示转折的词:but although unlike in spite of otherwise yet on the other hand

  表示递进的词:and furthermore in addition what's more

  表示因果的词:therefore so since as a result

  表示总结的词;in a word generally speaking in short

  第二章 阅读理解常见题型分析


  1、通读全文 2、找出文章的关键词 3、一般答案越概括涵盖面越广越好、句子越长越有可能是正确答案。

  提问方式:The best title for this passage would / can be.....

  This passage is mainly related to ......

  What's the passage mainly about ?

  What can be learned form the first / second paragraph of this passage

  What's the main idea / subject of the passage ?

  This passage mainly explains.......2的文章是牙医事实为依据,作者的



  Positive negative neutral 中立的 unfriendly worried humorous favorable 有力的,良好的,赞成的 unfavorable tolerant 可容忍的 critical 批评的 pessimistic 悲观的 optimistic 乐观的 impersonal 客观的objective 反对的

  Subjective 主观的 angry respectful 恭敬的 offensive 攻击的 approving 赞成的disapproving concerned 有关的

  Unconcerned indifferent 中立的 defensive 自卫的 sympathetic

  提问方式:What's the author's toward ... Can be est described as ...?

  This passage一段(文章) can be best described as ........?

  The tone of this passage can be best described as ...?


  推断题不能从而文章中直接找答案,凡是从原文照搬的一般都不是正确答案,必须根据文章内容进行推导、切记只依照某个句子或者段落就慌忙得出答案。 提问方式:It can be inferred / conclude from the passage that .....

  We can learn from this passage that ......

  Which of the following can be inferred from the passage ?

  The author implies that ....

  The author suggests that ....


  (1)划出作者为阐明中心思想而列举的例证,如:举例、引用、调查、结果(for example for instance 例如 that is to say 也就是说 in fact a case in point 一个典型的例子 it is importance )等

  (2)注意一些表示因果关系的词,如:since because as there for and

  as a result 等

  (3)理解一些表示转折关系的词语,如:but while however though yet On the contrary on the other hand 等

  提问方式:It is commonly accepted that ....普遍认为.......

  According to the passage ....

  According to the author ...

  Which of the following best characterizes ( is the Most distinctive of ) the main feature ....?

  What caused the following can be the cause of ( a probable reason why )...?

  What caused the accident ?

  We can learn from the ... Paragraph?




  提问方式:Which of the following statements is TRUE to the passage ?

  Which of the following is NOT mentioned (提到的)in the passage ? Which is NOT included in .... ?

  All of the following were mentioned in the passage EXCEPT ......?


  提问方式:The word / phrase

  The word



  提问方式:The word / phrase

  What does the word

