
时间:2024-02-08 11:29:55




  Today, I came to school with the feelings of excitement, in the sand pond primary school the opening ceremony of the sports meet once a year, the students are a twinkle in her eyes, to get good grades in the sports meeting would be ready to take.

  As the school radio came in March, the opening ceremony officially began, the first appearance of brother elder sister was the sixth grade. They walked at a neat pace through the rostrum, won the applause of chairman, other grade students were established by the rostrum, third grade students turn soon, at this moment I feel very nervous, the heart like chuai, a rabbit beat straight jump. Efforts to calm yourself down, I said to myself: "don't be nervous, must be good to complete the show". Finally turn to our class, we face is permeated with smile, with steps while Shouting slogans walked to the podium, next to the crowd of onlookers has flash in flashing, the teacher in charge teacher also praised the smile on his face.

  Our task is completed, my heart gradually calmed down. When looking around, I saw people mountain people sea is intimate friends the bridge, bridge, the playground of the students to be a neat team, as a row of pine trees, in the plain.

  All classes are covered, the ceremony to the end.


  随着学校广播里传出的进行曲,开幕式正式开始了,首先出场的是了六年级的哥哥姐姐。他们迈着整齐的步伐通过了主席台,赢得了主席台的阵阵掌声,其他年级的同学也陆续通过了主席台,马上就要 轮到三年级的同学了,此时此刻我的心情非常紧张,心中好象揣了只小兔子,怦怦地直跳。我努力使自己平静下来,对自己说:“不要紧张,一定要出色的完成这次演出”。终于轮到我们班了,我们脸上洋溢着灿烂的笑容,边迈着整齐的步伐边喊着口号向主席台走去,旁边围观的人群中不断有闪光灯在闪烁,班主任老师的脸上也露出了赞许的笑容。




  "Wow!" A scream broke the silence of the classroom.

  "From five? One with less than a month!"


  Now began to talk in class. "the grapevine said to hold a sports meeting before the May Day come?!" "The news reliable?" "I want to still reliable." "Wow! That's good, I finally can perform in the sports meeting!" At this time of our class athlete shouted loudly. And then, someone shouted: "I will win!" At this point, I do not know from where there was a voice: "why don't you have a PK!" We also cry: "XXXVSXXX!" At this point, the teacher didn't know how long from the sky, standing at the door of the classroom, we were shocked. I saw the teacher's eyes with a strange light, as if by our passion for the games and feel joy, at this time, the teacher's mouth several times on the smile again. I'm dizzy! I pour! The teacher turned to go, my heart uneasy calm down, I don't understand what teacher's smile. In the future, I am still who I am before, is that individual character make public of I, I is that I did it my way.

  Action!!!! Spring sports impact May Day!






