
时间:2024-02-08 11:33:52



Section B (2a-2d)

Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?

The fourth period

? Teaching aims and demands

? Knowledge objects a. By the end of this lesson, Ss can learn the new words and new phrases: culture, famous, appear, successful, unlucky, be ready to

b. Understand the main idea of the article;

? Ability objects a. Skim for the main idea of the article

b. Scan for the specific information

c. Understand the whole article

? Moral objects

a. Arouse their interest in learning English

b. To develop the spirit of cooperation through teamwork and


c. Let students know more about the American culture.

? Methods and objects in teaching

1. Audio-visual teaching method, communicative teaching method,

task-based teaching method.

2. Pair work ,competition

3. A computer, blackboard, a projector

? Teaching procedures

Step one greets and lead-in(5m)

T: Good afternoon, everyone!

S: Good afternoon, teacher!

T: How are you?

S: I’m fine, thank you. And you?

T: I’m OK. Thanks. I’m so happy to stand here with you.

S: Me too.

T: Today, we have an old friend. Next, let’s meet him. But before that, please answer my questions.


T: Now please look at the screen, there are some pictures for you.(Play the PPT to show the pictures)

T: Now please look at the pictures and then answer my question.

What’s your favorite season/singer/cartoon?

(Some students answer my questions)

T: OK, our friend thinks you are all great, now let’s meet him.

(Show the picture of Mickey Mouse.)

Step two fast reading(let’s know Mickey)(5m)

T: Now let’s know something about Mickey. Please read the passage on page37 and then answer these five questions. 1. Is Mickey the first Disney character?

2. How old is Mickey?

3. Who is his girl friend?

4. Does he always do something good?

T: you have three minutes to finish this job.

(Three minutes later)

T: OK, time is over, now please tell me your answer.

T: OK, very good, thank you, sit down please. You all did a good job, keep going.

Step three Careful reading and finish the practice(20m)

(Group work)

T: Now let’s get close to Mickey. Please read the passage carefully.

There are five questions for you, you have 15m. Please do it in groups of twelve now. If you have any help, please hands up.

(Divide the students into five groups and then students start to read

the passage)

(Walk around the classroom and guide the students)

T: Time flies, let’s do a competition. There is one question for one

group; you can choose one picture of Mickey, and one person in your group need to answer the question, clear?

(Students show the answers and then we check the answers together, the group who did the best job will get a big surprise from Mickey) T: OK, you are so great, well done, so the gift should belong to…

. Step four summary(let’s love Mickey)

T: Just now we have learned the story about Mickey, who can retell

the story for us, try you best to do it, in Chinese or in English, it’s up to you.

T: Do it please.

S: present their story about Mickey.

T: you all did a good job.

Step five homework

1. Make sentences with the phrases in 2e.

2. Imagine you are Mickey; write a short passage to tell your story. Step six emotional education(if time is enough)

As for you, today most of you are just like Mickey, because you achieve the objects of this class, so you are successful, I want to give you a name “山寨” Mickey. What do you think?

I hope all of you can be like Mickey, whenever you face any difficult, please be brave and optimistic, and try your best to get over it.

  篇二:八年级英语 Unit7 SectionB1教案



1. 熟练掌握下列词汇:

research,keeper,excitement,illness,remaining,wild,government,protection,huge,bamboo, endangered, awake, artwork,whale, oil,

2. 熟练掌握下列短语:

with excitement, run over, fall over, walk into, die from illness

jump out of water, protect whales from

3. 掌握下列句型:

They run over with excitement and some of them even walk into their friends and fall over!

Scientists say there are now fewer than 2,000 pandas living in the remaining forests. Another 200 or so live in zoos or research centers in China and other countries. Catch whales for meat, fat and oil.

Learn more about whales.

Stop putting rubbish into the sea.

They have to be protected.







1. 学会通过联系上下文猜测生词的词义

2. 让学生了解大熊猫的现状及如何保护大熊猫

3. 总结形容词和副词的比较级和最高级用法及构词法

4. 仿照阅读文章写动物的作文


1. 学会用scanning来快速获取需要的信息





Work on 2a.

Show sth about pandas. Ask Ss to talk about them. Maybe the words in the box can help you.

T:Do you like pandas?I would like you to talk about pandas as much as you can. The words in the box can help you.


Step2. Fast reading.

1. Before reading, explain the reading skill---scanning to the Ss.

T: Today, I would like to teach you a reading skill: scanning. What does scanning mean? It means moving your eyes quickly down the page to find specific information.

2. Listen to the record and find the main idea for each paragraph. Ss can use the skill of scanning.

Step3. Detail reading.

1. Read the paragraphs one by one and answer the following questions.

①Look at sth about feeding pandas and answer the question: What do the baby pandas have for breakfast? Are the pandas lovely? Do you love them and do you want to be a panda keeper when you grow up?(para1)

②Ask one student to read the para2 and ask Ss to answer What is Lin Wei`s job? What is his opinion?(para2)

③What do these numbers mean: 10, 12, 300, 2,000? Why are pandas


④What is one way of saving pandas?(para4)

2. Ask Ss to answer first and check the answer.

Step4. Work on 2c and 2d.

1. Give Ss several minutes to finish the exercise in 2c and 2d and ask some Ss to show their answer.

2. Check the answer.

Step5. Work on 2e.

1. T: As we know, pandas are in great danger, therefore we should protect them. In the passage, there are some ways of protecting pandas. As a student, what other ways do you think you can help to save the pandas?

(Show some pictures of ways to help the Ss. Give Ss some minutes to talk about with their partner and then ask some of them to show their answers.)

2. Sum up some ways of protecting pandas.

Step6. Homework.

Writing: 以The Pandas为题写一篇短文描述熊猫,文中需描述熊猫的特点以及保护熊猫的方法,用上这些词,cute , lovely, die out, only eat, protect, than 要求60词左右。



